Where are you financially today?
We are hearing a lot about a recession and how many people are having money problems. The key is to see opportunity in financial adversity.
Here are 7 Money Myths as provided by Joe Vitale in one of his recent blog entry.
- Saving is not as powerful in attracting money as giving. The more money you give, from a heart of love and to wherever you feel inspired, the more you will receive.
- Stocks are not as secure as acting on ideas. Money making ideas are gifts from the Universe; act fast on them and you can prosper fast.
- Planning for your retirement isn’t as powerful as living now with an awareness of your future. Putting off your enjoyment of life is pushing away your current prosperity.
- Investing in real estate isn’t as rewarding as investing in yourself. The more you expand your awareness and education, the more you can see the opportunities to make more money.
- Beliefs such as money is the root of all evil block prosperity. The lack of money is actually the root of all evil. Being detached but respectful toward money will help you attract it.
- Scarcity is a function of the mind; so is abundance. Human creativity can solve any problem and find ways to profit along the way.
- Practical spending isn’t as wise as enthusiastic spending. When you buy something that helps you feel good, you increase your energy vibration, feel better about yourself, and tend to do more things to make more money.
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