Thousands of members of The Red Hat Society live by the motto that growing older can be one big joke if you want it to be. The Red Hat Society is an international organization for women, aged 50 and over, who like to laugh at growing older. There are now roughly 2000 chapters of the society, first started in 1998, in 11 countries. All chapters have frivolous names, such as Whine and Roses. Best of all, there are no rules to follow.
Given that there are no rules, being male is probably not a problem either. Nonetheless, I think I will pass on this one. I never have looked good in pink, purple, or lavender.
Note: This article is adapted from the book 1001 Ways to Enjoy Your Retirement (Published in Spanish, Korean, and French but not in English).
NOTE: The above retirement quotes and retirement sayings are adapted from:
The 237 Best Things Ever Said about Retirement by Vipbooks Author Ernie Zelinski available at:
The Retirement Gifts Café