Monday, March 23, 2009

Retirement Jobs for Retirees

Career Success Without a Real Job: The Career Book for People Too Smart to Work in Corporations by Ernie J. Zelinski is a great book for retirees who would like to keep working but not in a corporation.

Here are some of topics from Chapter 2: Unreal Jobs — So any Worlds; What to Do?:
  • The Best Time to Pursue Your Dream Retirement Career Is Twenty Years Ago and Today
  • Why Not Work for the Best Boss in the World — Twenty Million Individuals Already Do!
  • There's No Better Business than Your Own Unconventional Business
  • The World's Coolest Unreal Jobs
  • Today's Most Exciting Unconventional Business That Allows You to Make Money While You Sleep
  • Write Yourself out of Poverty into Satisfaction and Riches
  • Retire to a job You Love Instead of One You Love to Hate

Although this is not a retirement book like his two other best-sellers, it will particularly benefit the millions of baby-boomer "retirees" who want to continue working in a retirement job, but not in a traditional corporate setting.

Two more recent news item about the new retirement:

    Near-Retirees' net worth has plunged, report finds
    Jerry W. Jackson Sentinel Staff Writer
    3:39 PM EST, February 25, 2009
    etirees head back to work - San Francisco,CA,USA

      Retirees are feeling the impact of the sour economy right now, so many of them are going back to work. One retired accountant is now back at work driving a ...
      See The Retirement Cafe Website for more Retirement Jobs for Retirees