Career Success Without a Real Job: The Career Book for People Too Smart to Work in Corporations by Ernie J. Zelinski is a great book for retirees who would like to keep working but not in a corporation.
Here are some of topics from Chapter 2: Unreal Jobs — So any Worlds; What to Do?:
- The Best Time to Pursue Your Dream Retirement Career Is Twenty Years Ago and Today
- Why Not Work for the Best Boss in the World — Twenty Million Individuals Already Do!
- There's No Better Business than Your Own Unconventional Business
- The World's Coolest Unreal Jobs
- Today's Most Exciting Unconventional Business That Allows You to Make Money While You Sleep
- Write Yourself out of Poverty into Satisfaction and Riches
- Retire to a job You Love Instead of One You Love to Hate
Although this is not a retirement book like his two other best-sellers, it will particularly benefit the millions of baby-boomer "retirees" who want to continue working in a retirement job, but not in a traditional corporate setting.
Two more recent news item about the new retirement:
Jerry W. Jackson Sentinel Staff Writer
3:39 PM EST, February 25, 2009 etirees head back to work
abc7news.com - San Francisco,CA,USA
- Retirees are feeling the impact of the sour economy right now, so many of them are going back to work. One retired accountant is now back at work driving a ...
See The Retirement Cafe Website for more Retirement Jobs for Retirees